What is QEEG?
If there is a fault, find out where it is and what it is ? Brain Mapping by QEEG locates the fault.
Counseling at Ultimate is a unique process. M-OS, the Mind Operating System of Metaprograms help in creating Self-awareness/ Self analysis in the individual with which he/she learns to identify others. With knowledge of the Self, one picks up the thread faster than simple counseling. One is trained to self-develop the solutions for one’s problems. One becomes self-sufficient to meet his needs rather than depend on others or the therapist.
If there is a fault, find out where it is and what it is ? Brain Mapping by QEEG locates the fault.
QEEG is Quantitative Electro Encephalo Gram. It is obtained by sensors placed over the head noninvasively. The sensors report what goes on in the brain with your thinking, feeling and behaving. These activities are recorded as Brain wave patterns in QEEG. QEEG helps in mapping the Brain.
Brain Mapping reveals in detail the patterns all over the brain and indicates what has changed and the extent. A brainmap shows what happened, what is going on now and what is in store for the future and tells what best to do to change the course. Brain Maps measure the brain and reveal the strengths & weaknesses.