Ultimate Brain Stimulation

Counseling at Ultimate is a unique process. M-OS, the Mind Operating System of Metaprograms help in creating Self-awareness/ Self analysis in the individual with which he/she learns to identify others. With knowledge of the Self, one picks up the thread faster than simple counseling. One is trained to self-develop the solutions for one’s problems. One becomes self-sufficient to meet his needs rather than depend on others or the therapist.

Just stimulate or give a Feedback

Neuro Modulation is modifying the ways the brain and mind work and is done by either Brain stimulation or Brain Training.

The Best Treatments are always Simple, Safe, Cost effective and Free from side effects.

NM fits them all and is non-invasive and a walk in procedure amplifying the brain’s ability to heal itself.

Neuro Modulation improves brain’s functions, inter neuronal communications and does not cause structural changes but only functional changes.

Neuro Modulation targets the cause and not the symptoms and amplifies the brain’s ability to heal itself. It is an active interventional neuropsychiatric process.

Brain Stimulation

  • Brain stimulation is activating or inhibiting the brain directly with electricity or magnetic waves and is a cutting edge technology approved by FDA and CE.
  • Brain stimulation as an alternative and adjuvant for drug treatment for mental health issues is done by specific interventions like:

rTMS ( repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)

TMS improves functional connectivity within and between brain regions, neuroplasticity, brain functions. Effects are not limited to the stimulated regions alone but also noted in other functionally interconnected areas. TMS is non-invasive magnetic stimulation of the brain and it improves social interaction and decreases anxiety-depressive like behaviours. Also aids in neuroplasticity, a form of rewiring the brain.

tDCS ( transcranial Direct Current Stimulation):

  • tDCS is non invasive Brain stimulation with a weak direct current of 1-2 mA for brain stimulation. tDCS is used in normal healthy individuals to improve Language skills, Math ability, Attention, Memory, Speed Learning, Time Co ordination Alertness.
  • tDCS improves abnormal brain functions in Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, OCD, PTSD Migraine Pains Craving.
  • tDCS is one of the safest, simplest methods in Neuro Modulation, used mainly for improving an individual’s ability in many areas involving executive functions of the brain.
  • tDCS improves overall memory (working memory, operating memory, visuo spatial memory,
    associative memory, task and age related memory).
  • tDCS reverses the mental signs of aging. tDCS is reported to improve the learning speed by twice on average

Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulatio

tACS is a small ,yet powerful, smooth Neuro Modulator. tACS modulates perception, cognition, motor activity and consciousness. tACS stimulation causes release of Serotonin, Nor epinephrine, Acetylcholine, endorphin. TACS at various intensity levels improve: Memory, Reasoning, Learning, Reaction time, Intelligence Vision, Hearing, Perception, Pain, Anxiety, sensation, Movements tACS modulates brain wave activity of alpha rhythm considered essential for all executive functions of planning, organizing, memory and language.

TVNS ( Transauricular Vagal Nerve Stimulation)

The gentle and selective non invasive stimulation of the Vagus nerve has far reaching effects on the Neuro transmitters without affecting the vitals. This is achieved by stimulation of the skin of the small area in the conch of the auricle that is innervated by vagus nerve.

The vagal stimulation leads to the release of Serotonin (infusing calmness, confidence)and nor epinephrine (alertness/energy) in pre motor cortex, the executive zone in the frontal lobe . Simultaneously, the down regulation in the hippocampus and amygdala lead to reduced anxiety and panic (flight/fight response).. Vagus nerve is associated with creativity, divergent thinking due to GABA release and leads to self awareness and better self image. tVNS improves Heart rate variability ( HRV), reduces stress, increases rest, calmness and is related to better health outcome in many conditions.

PNM ( Photo Neuro Modulation)- Photo Bio Modulation

Light therapy involves the use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to deliver a specific wavelength of light that can be absorbed by cells in the body. The LED type determines the wavelength of light. Transcranial photobiomodulation is painless, non-invasive, systemic, drug-free and has shown to have no negative side effects when used appropriately. PNM reduces inflammation, increases circulation and increases cellular energy by activating the mitochondria, the neuronal powerhouse.

HBOT ( Hyper Baric Oxygen Therapy)

HBOT delivers high concentrations of oxygen at increased atmospheric pressure levels. This improves inflammation, blood flow to starved areas and boosts immunity and reduces inflammation. HBOT corrects mitochondrial dysfunction ( powerhouse of the nerve cells) and reduces oxidative stress and increases antioxidant production thus protecting against oxidative stress.

Brainwave Entrainment

  • A special form of music therapy, in which brain waves synchronise with external stimulation of binaural beats at specific frequency and switch over to the desired frequency range to produce desired change in thinking and behavior.
  • Brain stimulation protocols are internationally standardized, safe and simple and do not produce unpleasant side effects.

Brain Training or Neurofeedback (NF)

Brain training is learning to switch over the brain’s EEG activity consciously. Brain Training involves QEEG Neuro Feedback . Neuro Feedback (NF) is declared the best Self-Regulation technology since Meditation. “Every behavior is a Brain activity pattern, learnt by repetition”. QEEG Training is a description of your brain activity. One learns to make the best out of it. The training may be a whole brain training, which is not merely symptom oriented but holistic directed towards overall wellness in terms of functioning and peak performance. The whole brain training is useful in any situation where the Brain – Mind is involved.

Brain Training is done by Neuro Feedback. You learn to train the brain, not the mind. Success is in getting the mind “out of the way”.

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback where brain waves produce a signal that is used as feedback. NF is used in medical conditions and non- medical conditions also such as:

  • Sleep disorders – Bed wetting, Disturbed sleep, Night mares, Sleeplessness.
  • Negative Emotions – Anxiety, Fear, Stress etc.

QEEG Neuro Feedback is NOT a treatment but training.

  • The brain can be trained like any other part of the body.
  • NF does not teach you or tell what you should do.
  • When you feedback, you don’t try or think about. NF lets your brain find the solution or what it feels right.
  • When you pay attention to what goes on, the brain changes itself.
  • Change how you think, feel, behave and perform, Neuro feedbacks is a Brain Gym.
  • Become what you want.
  • Become MINDFUL.
  • QEEG Neuro Feedback does away with long, protracted counselling sessions.
  • QEEG NF makes slow brains fast and fast brains slow.