Ultimate Brain Stimulation

Counseling at Ultimate is a unique process. M-OS, the Mind Operating System of Metaprograms help in creating Self-awareness/ Self analysis in the individual with which he/she learns to identify others. With knowledge of the Self, one picks up the thread faster than simple counseling. One is trained to self-develop the solutions for one’s problems. One becomes self-sufficient to meet his needs rather than depend on others or the therapist.


Dementia Can Be Cured?

Welcome to Ultimate Brain Stimulation Clinic

Hey there! Hello, my name is Dr. Murugappan and I’m so happy to have you here at the Ultimate Brain Stimulation Clinic in Chennai. At this site, we like to push the limits of what’s possible in brain health. Today, I want to talk about dementia and the hope that it can be fixed.

Dementia Can Be Cured
Dementia Can Be Cured

About the doctor Murugappan

As a senior neuropsychiatrist with more than 40 years of training, my goal has always been to understand how the brain works. I’ve spent my whole career helping people with mental health problems get better, from sadness and ADHD to addiction and autism.

What Our Clinic’s Goal Is

The goal of our clinic is simple: to give our people cutting-edge treatments that make their lives better. We are always looking into and using the newest brain stimulation methods to provide the best care possible.

How to Understand Dementia

What is dementia?

Dementia is not a single disease, but a word for a group of symptoms that make it hard to remember things, think clearly, and interact with other people in a way that gets in the way of daily life. Many people think it’s a normal part of getting older when it’s not.

Most Common Symptoms

Dementia symptoms are very different, but they can include:

Most Common Symptoms of Dementia
Most Common Symptoms of Dementia

Getting dementia

dementia is the most common form of dementia. It causes plaques and tangles in the brain that make it hard for neurons to work.

Poor Vascular Memory

A lack of blood flow to certain parts of the brain can lead to vascular dementia, which often happens after a stroke.

Lewy Body Dementia

Lewy bodies are abnormal protein deposits in this type of dementia that change hormones in the brain and cause problems with thinking, moving, behaving, and mood.

Getting Frontotemporal Dementia

Nerve cells in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain die off in frontotemporal dementia. This changes identity, behaviour, and language.

Can dementia be cured?

Looking into the Possible

Everyone wants to know: Is it possible to fix dementia? The old way of thinking has been negative, but new study gives us hope.

What doctors agree on now

There is no cure for dementia yet, but medicines can help people deal with their symptoms. Most of the time, the goal is to improve quality of life and slow the disease’s growth.

Discoveries in research

Some of the symptoms of dementia may be reversible thanks to new developments in brain stimulation methods and other therapies.

How the Ultimate Brain Stimulation Clinic Helps

New ways to treat illnesses

We use a mix of cutting-edge tools and therapeutic methods at Ultimate Brain Stimulation Clinic to help people with dementia.

Methods of Brain Stimulation

Several types of brain stimulation that have shown a lot of promise in helping people with symptoms are at the heart of our main treatments.

TMS stands for transcranial magnetic stimulation.

TMS is non-invasive magnetic stimulation of the brain. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation improves social interaction and decreases anxiety-depressive like behaviours.

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation aids in neuroplasticity, a form of rewiring the brain.

A small coil positioned in specific spots over the scalp identified by the psychiatrist ,  produces rapidly changing magnetic field that passes through scalp and skull bone. This magnetic activity influences brain’s activity.

The coil placement site, the type, speed, number and strength of the magnetic pulse is determined by various protocols as determined by the psychiatrist, depending on the requirement.  The treatment duration may range from 3 minutes to 40 minutes.

Total number of sessions vary from 5-30 that is spaced out over a period. The sessions extend over 4- 6 weeks. Safety as the first priority has been proven in all the studies.

Treatment session: During the session, the magnetic coil will be placed over the selected site. A test pulse will be given to determine the individual’s sensitivity (resting motor threshold), based on which the treatment pulse strength will be decided and the session started.

During session, a clicking or tapping sound will be heard and a feeling of tapping will be felt. This may be felt over the forehead or over eyes and face. The magnetic pulse will be on and off during the entire session at the chosen speed. These sessions are always customised.

Safety: Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation  treatment is safe. The safety of TMS is well established even in the presence of other neuropsychiatric conditions like epilepsy, ADHD etc.

If scalp pain or discomfort appears, it vanishes immediately after the session without any interference. TMS is FDA approved for the treatment of drug resistant depression.

Other uses of rTMS: rTMS is also useful in OCD, anxiety, addictions, schizophrenia, PTSD, fibromylagias and stroke recovery.

Advantages of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation  treatment:

  • High success rate in symptom reduction for autism
  • Improvement in social behaviour and speech
  • TMS is non-invasive, non sedative and free from side effects.                              
  • No anaesthesia is required for TMS Therapy.

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation   treatment

  • Decreases the repetitive behaviour and actions
  • Irritability and depression are controlled
  • Enhances motor performance
  • Brings under control of attention deficits

When do we see the results of TMS treatment?

The noticeable change in behaviour begins after 5-10 session and is slow and steadily progressive. Occasionally, the changes may not manifest for a longer period.

Types of TMS

Various modes and protocols are followed and the number of pulses, speed, strength, type of coil , duration of treatment vary with different modes. They include:

Repetitive TMS with Figure of 8 coil HF and LF methods

Theta burst mode in special modes in shortest duration of 3 minutes.

Deep TMS with H coils for deeper penetration.

Though it is expensive, it offers alternate option for those who don’t respond to conventional antidepressant therapy.

What Dr Murugappan Tells His Patients

The key is early detection

Early identification is one of the most important parts of treating dementia. The treatment will work better if it is started as soon as possible.

Changes in lifestyle

Developing healthy habits can have a big effect on how quickly dementia gets worse. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and enough sleep are all very important.

Why mental stimulation is important

Games, reading, and talking to other people can help keep the brain active and help it keep working well.

Food choices and physical health

Eating a lot of vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and other brain-healthy foods is good for your health and brain.

Success Stories of Patients

Examples from real-life

Here are some moving stories of people who have been helped by our treatments.

Case Study 1

After TMS therapy, Mrs R, a 70-year-old woman with early-stage Alzheimer’s, had a huge change in her memory and thinking skills.

Case Study 2

After a combination of ECT and CBT, Mr S, who was identified with vascular dementia, felt much better and was able to do more in his daily life.

Case Study 3

Ms T, a 60-year-old woman with Lewy body dementia, was able to do daily tasks on her own again after receiving full treatment at our centre.

In conclusion

Hope for Dementia Patients

While dementia remains a challenging condition, the improvements in treatment and our holistic approach provide hope. At the Ultimate Brain Stimulation Clinic, we are committed to giving the best possible care to improve the lives of our patients.

How to Get Started

If you or a loved one is dealing with dementia, don’t lose hope. You can find out more about our services and make an appointment today by going to ultimatebrain.


If I give someone medicine, how often do they get better?

Our treatments have had good results so far, with many patients reporting big improvements in their symptoms and quality of life.

Are there any bad effects?

Side effects are different for each treatment. Most people can handle TMS and CBT well. ECT, on the other hand, may have more side effects, which our team handles carefully.

How long does treatment last?

The length of treatment is different for each person. Some people may feel better in a few weeks, while others may need treatment for a longer time.

Does my insurance pay for the treatment?

Coverage is different for each insurance company. We suggest that you call your insurance company to find out what your plan covers.

Make an Appointment Today!

Call us at(+91)9444437698!

For more information, visit Ultimate Brain Stimulation Clinic.

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For additional wellness services, check out Silkee.

Other Links

Alzheimer’s Association – For more information on Alzheimer’s disease and support resources.

National Institute on Aging – Research and information on aging and dementia.

World Health Organization – Global facts and statistics on dementia.


Dr. Sp. Murugappan

Ultimate Brain Clinic is Neuropsychiatric centre specializing in Neuromodulator and Brain Training. We focus on treatments related to brain and mind. The clinic is managed by Senior Neuropsychiatrist Dr. SP. Murugappan, with very long track record of experience. We have several firsts to our credit. We are pioneers in QEEG Brainmapping in India and Certified Brain Trainer in Asia Pacific.

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